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World’s Current Affairs April-2024-One Liner

  1. Current president of Islamic development bank (ADB)? Muhammad Al-Jasser
  2. Name the first Muslim, first minister of Scotland who has recently resigned from office? Hamza Yousaf
  3. Simon haris has recently become the youngest PM of which country? Irelandi
  4. When is world immunization week observed? 24-30th april 2024
  5. Which country won under 19 women football championship 2024? India
  6. Who has recently been appointed as PM of Portugal? Luis Montenegro
  7. Which country has imposed death penalty with nitrogen as for the first time? US
  8. Which country has launched world’s first malaria vaccine program for the children? Cameron
  9. Venue of world economic forum (WEF) meeting 2024 is? Saudi Arabia